$97 Million In Third-Round Saw Grants Awarded by MDEQ

MDEQ announced its third round of Stormwater, Asset Management, and Wastewater (SAW) grant recipients, totaling $97 million

The SAW program provides the opportunity for communities to develop asset management plans for their stormwater and wastewater systems. Since FY 2014-2015, $450 Million has been allocated to provide grants and loans with $97M available for grants/loans each fiscal year. Grants are available up to $2M per municipality with match of 10 percent for the first million and 25 percent for the second million. Some municipalities may qualify for 100 percent grant.

CLICK HERE to see a list of third-round grant recipients.

There is a new grant condition for SAW Asset Management Plan (AMP) recipients, per Section 603 of Public Act 84 of 2015, all recipients will need to submit a summary of the AMP, which includes identifying major assets of the plan, and make a copy of the AMP available to the public for at least 15 years.  The summary of the AMP must be submitted with the Wastewater or Stormwater AMP Certification of Project Completeness once the grant activities are completed.  

This great opportunity for instructure funding coupled with the new condition for asset management planning, hightens the importance that municipalities recieve all the information required to ensure optimal decision making.  RedZone Robotics sewer inspecting robots and user friendly software helps municipalities and engineers to gather all of the information they need to develop plans for spending.  This results in spending limited funds wisely, easier regulatory compliance, saving money and the environment.

For more information on the SAW program or RedZone Robotics contact Glenn Hummel or Kevin Livingston