Pure Air Filtration

From municipal odor control to emergency gas removal, Pure Air Filtration has a solution to meet your specific situation.

PureAir offers multiple solutions to municipal customers. These include:

  • Wastewater Odor Control
  • Emergency chlorine and sulfur dioxide gas removal
  • Protection of critical electronics from corrosive H2S gas.

Applications & Products

  • Odor Control
Sales Reps

Outside Sales Technician

Heather Walker

President - HESCO

Kevin Livingston, P.E.

Technical Director of Process Equipment

Sanjeev Verma

With 30 of manufacturers exhibiting, WEFTEC provides the opportunity to network, and to share access to HESCO's line of cutting-edge technologies and services.

HESCO is a professional manufacturer’s representative firm that provides a wide range of process equipment to fit your municipalities needs. Trust the knowledgeable and attentive staff at HESCO to make your project more efficient and cost-effective.

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