2020 Joint Expo
Visit some new faces at 2020 Joint Expo
Visit some new faces at 2020 Joint Expo
HESCO has teamed up with 18 of our manufacturers to bring you a fun way to explore WEFTEC and stay connected to others in Michigan
You are invited to join us to view a demo of RedZone Robotics Pipe Inspection in Midland, Michigan on May 21 from 10-1pm
Several new manufacturers join us for this years HESCOland at Joint Expo
An editorial on a career in wastewater by Kari Stuart
American Iron and Steel (AIS) requirements for Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Projects
Featuring talks from CLEARAS Water Recovery, Unison Solutions, Inc. and Centrisys/CNP
A Fundraiser for Jim Nash for Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner
With 30 of manufacturers exhibiting, WEFTEC provides the opportunity to network, and to share access to HESCO's line of cutting-edge technologies and services.
Our sales engineers welcome the opportunity to discuss our products and field services with you. Please contact us to schedule a meeting.